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Use this free tool to calculate how much profit you can generate from a single Airbnb or short term rental property in the first 5 years
Use this free tool to calculate how much profit you can generate from a single Airbnb or short term rental property in the first 5 years
This Airbnb calculator will allow you to do a quick financial assessment of a short term rental property to help you forecast cash flow for your Airbnb unit. Not only that, but it will enable you to estimate how much you can make annually on the property based upon your vacancy rates and expenses both on weekends and week days. For a multi unit Airbnb business or short term rental financial projection tool, check out our 5 year, CPA developed Airbnb financial model. It will enable you to project multiple properties and generate detailed pro forma financial statements including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements for 5 years.
And if you are in the process of creating a business plan for your Airbnb venture, check out this free Airbnb business plan template to help you get started!
Based on our Airbnb startup cost research we found that the average cost to start an Airbnb business is $6,000 excluding the cost of the property.
The average Airbnb Host in the US generates roughly $41,000 per year in revenue according to our research on Airbnb revenue numbers. This depends on a number of assumptions which you will need to calculate for your specific property.
We recommend a free tool called Airdna to find an estimate of how much you could make if you turned a property into an Airbnb. Airdna will provide you with an estimate of the daily rental rate as well as the expected vacancy rate for your property. You can then use this information to fill out our Airbnb calculator.
The average net income for an Airbnb property is 4 to 8% of revenue according to Awning.
If the average Airbnb host revenue is $41,000 then the average net income is between $1,640 and $3,280. Once you fill out our Airbnb cash flow calculator, you will be able to see your forecasted net income for your specific property as seen below: