SBA Lending State Rankings - All 50 States

October 18, 2023

Adam Hoeksema

Over the last five years the top 5 states with the most SBA loans per capita did not include New York, Florida or even California.  With $653 in SBA loans closed per capita, the top state was actually Colorado with 5,433 SBA loans closed.  And for any SBA lenders looking to relocate to the beach, it looks like there could be an opportunity in Hawaii.  Hawaii came in last place with just 510 SBA loans closed over the past 5 years totaling just $87 per capita. 

Utilizing publicly available SBA loan data, we sliced and diced the data to rank all 50 states for their SBA lending on a per capita basis using our SBA Loan Data Analyzer.  Here were the results:

SBA Loans per Capita by State 2018 - 2022

State # of Loans Approved SBA Loan Dollars per Capita
Colorado 5,433 $653
Utah 3,736 $615
Georgia 6,552 $523
Minnesota 7,054 $520
Washington 6,034 $506
California 25,090 $461
Idaho 1,874 $459
Texas 16,146 $441
Oregon 3,386 $434
Wisconsin 4,853 $414
Arizona 4,307 $411
Florida 14,001 $404
Alaska 400 $390
New Jersey 6,742 $386
Montana 885 $368
Ohio 13,785 $364
New Hampshire 1,827 $362
Nevada 1,901 $354
Wyoming 384 $347
North Carolina 4,696 $345
Michigan 9,271 $342
Indiana 4,886 $329
Missouri 4,029 $328
Illinois 7,479 $325
South Carolina 2,272 $321
Oklahoma 2,352 $311
Kansas 1,865 $305
Nebraska 1,350 $297
North Dakota 641 $292
New Mexico 964 $291
Rhode Island 849 $279
Connecticut 2,589 $273
South Dakota 618 $273
Vermont 759 $265
Pennsylvania 7,080 $258
Delaware 645 $252
Mississippi 1,475 $248
Arkansas 1,334 $245
Louisiana 1,619 $241
New York 12,547 $238
Virginia 3,411 $234
Maryland 3,339 $232
Massachusetts 5,693 $222
Tennessee 2,202 $219
Maine 1,119 $218
Iowa 1,575 $215
Alabama 1,372 $192
Kentucky 1,869 $184
West Virginia 753 $150
Hawaii 510 $87

If you have any questions about how we produced this data set, or if you have any suggestions for other data sets we might be able to provide please let us know! 

About the Author

Adam is the Co-founder of ProjectionHub which helps entrepreneurs create financial projections for potential investors, lenders and internal business planning. Since 2012, over 50,000 entrepreneurs from around the world have used ProjectionHub to help create financial projections.

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