Pitch Deck Financial Charts & Graphs Generator

Quickly create 100 charts and graphs with your unique data for a pitch deck or business plan

Chart Types Included

Breakeven Analysis

Income Statement Snapshots

1, 3, & 5 Year Revenue Graphs

Use of Funds

Revenue Growth Rate

Gross Profit & Profit Margin

Save hours on data visualization

With just a little bit of projection data you can have charts for your pitch deck financial slide or business plan in mere minutes.

  • Easy Customization
  • Nearly 100 different charts
  • Powerful but Simple to Do-it-yourself
  • Chart customization video guide
  • Built with potential investors in mind
  • Template repair and troubleshoot support
Photo: Content is never lost with Jetboost

Receive files for
Excel & Google Sheets

The data visualization generator tool works in both google sheets and excel so you can be sure the tool will work for you. Customized video guides are also included to teach you how to use the tools, customize the charts, and export each chart!

See a Demo of What You Get

Save time & money and get the charts & graphs you need to finish your pitch deck!

Buy Now for just $20

Immediate Access Upon Checkout

After check out, you will be redirected as well as emailed direct access to the files.

Helpful Pitch Deck Resources & FAQs

Pitch Deck Consultants and Designers

We work with a number of pitch deck consultants and designers including:

STORY Pitch Decks

Pitch Genius




These pitch deck consultants are experts at telling your story through your pitch deck.  We have found it helpful to take your financial projections and pipe them into our pitch deck charts and graphs generator in order to produce dozens of different graphs and charts that you can send to your pitch deck consultant.  Then your pitch deck designer can see which graphs and charts “tell the story” best.  

What Charts Should I Include in my Pitch Deck? 

We studied 50 startup pitch decks to determine which graphs and charts were used most often.  Here is what we found:

What to Include on the Financial Projections Pitch Deck Slide? 

We studied the most popular pitch deck templates and examples to see what the experts include on the financial projections slide of their pitch deck.  Our partner, STORY Pitch Decks, did a deep dive into this question and surveyed 25 investment experts on what should go into a financial slide of a pitch deck.  Here is the summary of what they found: 

chart of the most commonly recommended financials to include in a startup pitch deck

With our pitch deck graphs and charts tool you will be able to generate visualizations for the top 4 most popular recommendations:

Income Projections

Expense Forecast


Projected Profits

The tool will also work well to produce pitch deck graphs and charts for various types of businesses including SaaS, eCommerce, DTC brands, and even pitch charts for restaurants.

Often, a designer will take the charts and graphs that our tool produces and create a “pretty” version in Photoshop to embed into your deck, but it can really save a designer a lot of time if you provide them with the raw graphs and charts to then clean up in Photoshop. If you are trying to create your own data visualizations for your pitch deck, we found 5 data visualization tools that can help you create pitch deck charts

Need help with anything?

We're here to help with any questions you have about the tool, our other products or services, or anything else we can help you with.

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